Ideas & Opinions / October 1, 2014
Essentials Of A Brand: The Logo
The cornerstone of your identity
A logo is an essential part of your brand. It works together with components such as your website, products, stationery, marketing efforts and more to set the tone for your business.

The Key

You don't want your logo to overshoot or fall short. A logo should be an impression, a key in your companies identity. A logos should provide a recognizable way for marketing your material. A logo works hand-in-hand with your name to make your brand unique.

Many businesses make the mistake of rushing into their logo, often not being patient and taking the time to ensure the symbol of ther business is right for their vision. A logo by no means should a logo tell the whole story of a company, it's history, or it's future plans. The art work revolving around a logo consisting of that much content could be overkill.

Designing The Logo

When deciding on a logo design, consider your brand first. Know who your clients are, know your product, and know what you want from your clients.

Our suggestion / preference when we design logos is to go simple. You want to limit the number of lines, shapes, colors, fonts, etc. used in your logo design. In our experience, a simplistic approach to the design allows for a more open look and feel that has a possibility to transcend across a wider range of viewers while still leaving a unique lasting impression. If a large assortment of colors, shapes, and so on is essentail to your brand, that will work as well, but otherwise less is more. Remember your logo isn’t the whole story, it’s more like a single thought / statement.

Face It, There Will Be Criticism

Everyone is not going to be happy with your choice. Just remember, any major branding changes, such as your logo, should only be done when it makes sense, and you can ensure that people ( your customers most importantly ) understand why you’ve made the choices you made.

Have Fun #BuildingYourBrand
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