Features / October 12, 2014
Favs: Rocko x Forever Young x SLC
Our favorite finished projects for the month of October

October Favorites

Each month we will showcase 3 of our favorite projects worked on recently. These projects will be featured on our home page slideshow and our showcase page. Here is our list of favorite projects for October 2014:

Forever Young Clothing - Website
We have been working with the FYC team for several years, and last month we worked on upgrading their website with a new look and feel as they released a new line of products.
FYC Project Page 

RocMyStyle / Rocko Da Barber - Logo, Website, Branding
We worked on fully re-branding the RocMyStyle look and feel, from the logo, to website, stationery/promotions, and more.
RocMyStyle Project Page

Sophisticated Lady Catering - Logo, Business Cards
Our team designed the logo and business cards look for the new startup company, helping them to get their brand going.
SLC Project Page
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